How can we help you?

Network Security

We Integrate a Network Security protection, underlying networking infrastructure from unauthorized access, misuse, or theft. It involves creating a secure infrastructure for devices, applications, users, and applications to work in a secure manner.

Internet Service Provider (ISP)

We provide unlimited internet services using Fiber to the Home (FTTH) technology. Providing exceptional internet service is our top priority as we continue to expand our reach.

Video Conferencing

Videotelephony, sometimes also referred to as video teleconference, comprises the technologies for the reception and transmission of audio-video signals by users in different locations, for communication between people in real time.

Fibre Broadband

Our Home fiber (FTTH) service offers you the fastest home internet at a cheap rate. Enjoy a whole new way of connecting to and streaming music, movies, Skype and gaming. Not only do we ensure you get the speed you pay for, but it stays reliably fast – even during peak times. 

Voip Service

We customize your PBX with Pre-made Vertical Dashboards or custom dahboards for Inbound & Outbound Calling at Affordable Cost. *astTECS IP PBX enables you to connect multi trunk channels – PRI, GSM, SIP, Analog & VoIP.

Vsat Broadband

We offer you all possibilities of using satellites to send data and voice, as well as appropriate data encryption. Solutions provided by TS2 SPACE work where traditional communication is difficult or impossible

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